
Showing posts from 2013

Indian Housewives Theory

Till the time you have a traditional Indian housewife at your home you don't need to be scared of things like recession. I may sound chauvinistic but listen to the argument you may find it to be a reality. Husband: Give me 5000 rupees from the locker. Housewife: you took 2000 that day and you didn't return it, now I want 8000 back. Husband: 8000? Housewife: Yes, 1000 rupees interest. Husband: Itna toh bank bhi nahi leta interest. Housewife: Toh bank se lelo. Husband: But why should I go to bank when I have my savings at home? Housewife: Are we still on the same argument? According to Keynes, one man's expenditure is another man's income, but according to Indian housewife theory my man's income is my income which turns into my husband's expenditure and the shopkeeper's income, i know it sound complex so lets keep it simple.  Whenever the world has been hit by recession why is it that the minimum loss is suffered by our country India? I am not s

Funny story

Its a funny relationship with the Delhi Police...sometimes we get angry on them, cry because of them and now we laugh at them. Sounds like a husband-wife relationship, the only difference...can't divorce.

Creativity is the soul of your body!

What are the things which make you move or move you, any way you take it. Yesterday I saw a dance show, the name of the show was 'Dance Walk'. It was on a totally unique and creative concept, it was more of a dance enacted on dialogues, more of a story not than just an impression. In one of the part they showed how homosapians are different from mammals and how the behavior, the language came into play and the creativity with which dancers portrayed, it was outstanding. But what made me think was that the whole program was not sponsored or funded by anyone because the group comparatively new, organised by the youngest person in the group holding a very unique idea which may or may not work. So, they decided to do themselves workout things with their own pockets, artist worked for the art and not the money, photographers, poster makers, costume designers slowly slowly joined in and there it was one of best and the most creative show infront of you. But this post is not all

Opening up the cage!

This blog is in continuation of my last blog (The invisible cage). I was very much intrigued to continue this topic after hearing what one of my seniors had to say about it, as we could see that it wasn't a topic where we move towards a sole direction. It happens in life that sometimes we decide to ignore certain things unconsciously or consciously, the way I did. In my last blog I mentioned a thing about Sita, that in our culture a mother prefer her daughter to be like Sita may be because she was less rebellious. But I would like to revisit that thought after a conversation with my senior, quoting his words precisely(as I couldn't find more suitable words), "When a mother tells her daughter to be like Sita, it is because they want their daughter to get the grace, aura, chastity and loyalty. They tell them to be so strong that you don't need a man to live your life and when someone raises a finger on you, be so strong and confident that you can prove them wrong and

The Invisible Cage...

Did you ever wonder what is that something which stops you? which limits you? which make you decide what is wrong and what is right? why we have stopped analyzing things in terms of black and white, why gray is the only colour we choose? let me put this into broader terms, do you see the cage, inside which we are living? the cage in which we are trapped under the shackles of race, colour, gender, nationality, culture, religion, education and what not. Each and every time there is a situation in front of us where we need to choose one path, do we choose that path due to our wish? or our family's? or our society's wish? lets pick up the most common example, a woman in our Indian society, why is there a time limit set to every girl by there family if she is going out, why do we watch them with eyes full of hunger, what changes are attitude towards a female gender, why one male with several females friends and one female with several male friends does not give us the same f
Strange things happen with people (using the sarcasm), even after knowing what the truth is, people think they can make fool of others. The best and the most suitable example is our government. Setting the poverty line below Rs 33.40 per day in urban areas and Rs 27.20 in rural areas, means if I am earning more than Rs 33.40 a day I wont be able to enjoy the benefits which a below poverty line person would enjoy as I no longer stand as a poor citizen. Now, in a country like India where economy is struggling to grow, things are becoming more expensive, where inferior goods give us inferiority complex, there living with Rs 33.40 in hand a day does not seems practical at all, though there are some ministers who think a person living in Delhi can have his meal at Rs. 5 (and after that can rest in peace), I think they should have explored more options like going at a langarh and having the most awesome food for free. Anyways, the main point I want to show you is that if you reduce the po
"Fear pushes you out of the door and desire calls to you, enticing you toward the rocks. That's the trap."-Robert T. Kiyosaki Please don't let money run your life, these two sentences kept my mind boggling because I could relate to it, I knew if I accept these two statements that would mean I am already moving towards the trap but if I would ignore them then I am already inside the trap. Most of the time we do our thinking emotionally without even knowing. Emotions which are generated through that very fear and desire and that's why most of the time we choose what we need and not what we want. That is why it is important to put your emotions to thinking and not the other way round, it is important to see the full picture rather than be a donkey running after carrot. Since our childhood we live in a close environment in which we hardly do any thinking. Our parents tell us to get good marks in school so we can get good college then get good grades so we can get
There are two kinds of people whom we encounter in our lives..the people who we want to change and the people who change us. In school except one or two there was hardly any teacher who understood a student, who i thought can actually teach us something. But soon i actually encountered teachers who thought me the meaning of life. My English teacher in my school, neha saxena, made me realise that i could actually speak normally and stammering was just a game of graduation teachers like sarin ma'am, Joshi ma'am opened my mind and gifted me a totally new world, a world free of race, gender, colour, hatred. But all these encounters did not stop after my graduation, i recently met a teacher in my mba who changed my life because he changed the way I use to think about life. Its never simple to drop an idea to which you hung on for so long but when you actually drop it, its like freedom. This all might sound to unrealistic but I know what i have been going throu
In the past couple of months I have learnt several things about life which I was unable to learn in the past 22 yrs..i have realised my dream though it is the same dream which I had when I was about 12yrs of age but the realisation is bit different now. Just started reading the book Rich dad poor dad n I must say the book is really powerful because it hits you hard and thats the best part..stop thinking of being secure, dont try thinking out of the box..try not to live inside a box, n today I have decided I will live the life I want and not the life people want for osho says wake up, its never too late!