"Fear pushes you out of the door and desire calls to you, enticing you toward the rocks. That's the trap."-Robert T. Kiyosaki
Please don't let money run your life, these two sentences kept my mind boggling because I could relate to it, I knew if I accept these two statements that would mean I am already moving towards the trap but if I would ignore them then I am already inside the trap.
Most of the time we do our thinking emotionally without even knowing. Emotions which are generated through that very fear and desire and that's why most of the time we choose what we need and not what we want. That is why it is important to put your emotions to thinking and not the other way round, it is important to see the full picture rather than be a donkey running after carrot.
Since our childhood we live in a close environment in which we hardly do any thinking. Our parents tell us to get good marks in school so we can get good college then get good grades so we can get a secure high paying job, my friend that is the rat race. You are in a trap wanting a high raise, paying huge bills left still wanting more, at the end of it you are just a high paid slave, if that is your dream then be it, you are on the right direction but if its not then you are misguiding your dream. So don't stop exploring, reach out to your dreams, the point where you start working for money you become a slave. Make money work for you. See the whole picture you will get your answer.


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