Be Practical!

Come on be practical, what will you get by reading this blog? It will waste few minutes of your time, as it may also lead to further thinking which will lead to further waste of time, so be practical and switch off this blog and get on with your "Practical" life. But do think about what does the word practical actually means? As per the dictionary meaning, it means concerned with actual use or practice. Actually let's just leave the dictionary alone, come on be practical, who looks at it other than finding long words which we not so often use or hear in our daily practical life.
What does being practical means to you when you tell someone or hear it from someone? It is the most common phrase used by us. Did you became practical by not doing something which was not possible, or did anyone else told you the same so you just passing it on to your next generation? Well let's accept it, you only say it when the other person according to you is talking illogical, talking about something which hasn't been done before or something which is next to impossible. But how do you know it is something which can't be done or is illogical? I mean have you yourself tried it before or you were too lazy or I say pessimistic that you denied anybody's idea of life, perception or anything just because you didn't think it was suitable. Don't take it in a wrong way because I am actually supporting you here, you are right, people are idiots as they succumb to dream something which will hardly gain existence.
See I have list of people who were actually pretty much practcial, maybe that's why they are leading a practical life, you might not know these people but just take a look at them, Bill Gates, who went to school, completed his college, joined a computer manufacturing firm, doing a clerical job there and now days is earning a decent salary so that he can run his home, or Mark Zuckerberg, who completed his college and is now working for some twin brothers at a university, or let say Sachin Tendulkar, though he wanted to be a cricketer but his friends said that his height was too small so he won't be able play big shots, so his parents also were very practical as they did not let him play for the Indian team when he got selected at the age of 16, so being practical he had to quit cricket, or Shahrukh Khan, who's girlfriend left him as she could not tell her father that his boyfriend was a theatre artist, so being practical he left all that stuff and joined a decent company so he could earn his bread, or Hritik Roshan, he use to stammer and had spinal cord which was slightly tilted so he was practical enough to abandon his dream of becoming an actor, or even Dirubhai Ambani, he came from a poor family, had a dream of starting his own industry but people told him you can't make it big in a city like mumbai unless you are from some rich family, so think practically and deal with the situation, so he joined a firm, forgot his dream of starting a business and I have no clue where his family is now and I know one more chap, his name was Albert Einstein, he actually failed in his entrance exam in some Zurich university so he left Physics and maths and joined a course which according to his marks was more practical, ya these people were actually practical, just wonder how their life would have turned out to be if they have not listen to people and thought illogically.
So just before ridiculing anybody's idea of life by just saying be practical, think it over, were you practical enough throughout your life? Should one stop having dreams, ambitions just because you don't have a vision for it? If yes, then I am sorry, it's you who is a coward here, too afraid to see things happen, felt offended? Well that's how people feel when you tell them to be practical. Half of the things around you would not have been there if people were so practical. It is because people dream, they have visions, and they decide which is actually practical. What is practical to you now was not that much practical to people few years ago. Just think over it, or I say be practical and screw it.
P.S. Be Practical.


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