Creativity is the soul of your body!

What are the things which make you move or move you, any way you take it. Yesterday I saw a dance show, the name of the show was 'Dance Walk'. It was on a totally unique and creative concept, it was more of a dance enacted on dialogues, more of a story not than just an impression.
In one of the part they showed how homosapians are different from mammals and how the behavior, the language came into play and the creativity with which dancers portrayed, it was outstanding. But what made me think was that the whole program was not sponsored or funded by anyone because the group comparatively new, organised by the youngest person in the group holding a very unique idea which may or may not work. So, they decided to do themselves workout things with their own pockets, artist worked for the art and not the money, photographers, poster makers, costume designers slowly slowly joined in and there it was one of best and the most creative show infront of you.
But this post is not all about the show I saw, its about what came to my mind after the show. Why do we run away from creativity? Why we see it as an unsafe option, when the only people we look upto are in their own ways the creative ones, what works today and will work always is art and the creativity. Respect the artist, respect its creativity, at the end of the day that is how money works, not for those who work for money but for those who make money work for them. If there is no art there will be no human, most of us have already become robots, lets try to support art and be more human. An artist is a person who inspires us, an artist is a person who makes us laugh, makes
us cry, make us fill with emotions, gets deep inside and is hard to take out. The art and its creativity is what make us desire for something, fill our hearts with dreams and ambitions whereas, money is just a tool and a reward later. There is to much of money in our mind and so less of creativity, then where will the money come from?
(Finally I found out why we are having a economic slowdown ;) )


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