
Always thought you need to behave as per your age? Well the line you are just going to read, you might find it crazy but that's what happened. I had a dream this evening about me, walking around the streets all night and observing people of different ages, how they behave, how they react and the few teachings they gave me. This blog is only a part of that dream.
Now just go back to the question I asked you, lets reframe it, do you always like to behave as per your age? or do you like behaving the way society thinks you should behave? who decides at what age what should you behave like? Why are you so amazed when a child replies back with a genius answer which you never thought a child of that age would ? Why do you get irritated when a adult behaves like a child? It all happens just because all these just do not fall into our preconceive notions about human nature. 
The more we get sophisticated the older we get, agree? Just look at your grand parents, old aunt or uncles you will find them behaving in the most childish or sometimes in the most annoying manner, well I think they are justified as they are tired of sophistication and most importantly pampering you, now they want you to take care of them, pamper them just like a child, so they will scream if they don't get what they want, they will only reply when they like. But all this have long been known that we come to earth as a young child and die as an old child(i know its an oxymoron). What am here to discuss is that even if you leave out the most early and later phase of life, you'll still observe that we get so conscious when someone else or we our self behave so unlike our age. I always wonder what happens to my mother when ever a child comes in front of her, why does she goes crazy and start speaking gibberish like, oye gully gully..aale aale..bhu,...vhu...n it goes on. I always thought what would the child be thinking, may be he/she is replying back with a smile because that smile may signify that the child is actually laughing at you, as a child did we ever liked these things, as a child did we ever do such things? but that's her way of connecting to a child. 
But sometimes don't we love behaving like a child? even if we regret it sometimes, but why to regret, because at that point of time that was what we actually wanted to do. Who has grown up and never thought that being a child was the best phase of life, speak out what you want, do what you want, get what you want. Who developed this formal and casual stuff? Due to all this being formal things, life is turning out to be only a formality. Sometimes doing the most childish thing brings smile to your face and gives you the happiness which your sophistication can never give. 
Would referring someone as sir will show the respect I have for that person, or by writing your sincerely would make me sincere towards that person. 
Sometimes we look at a person who behaves in the most kiddish manner and we laugh at them but inside we too wish we could behave like them, sometimes we see a person dancing like crazy as if there is no one in the room even if there are thousand of people around them, watching them we might wish, may be we could do what that person is doing, sometimes while watching the kids playing in the park we may wish to go out and join them, but we don't do that, we don't step out, thinking our age has passed and so we don't do kiddish things and nor will we dance like that dancer just because we think people have a certain perception of us which we may not like to disturb as they may consider as crazy, retard, immature, question our age or sometimes may be cool or insane. And ya age has nothing to do with maturity as a 12 years old may turn out to be much mature than a 40 years old.
As a child we only knew two things, what we like and what we don't like so we would always speak the truth, but as we grew we learned the art of diplomacy, like for example, a girl who I don't think looks that good would ask me hows she's looking? I may answer, Ya today you look. ;)..(I hope you understand)

Should age decide your sophistication or should it give you the licence to be childish? 

P.S. Be yourself, not your age.


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