What the FE (facebook empathy)?

This blog is completely coming out of frustration, irritation, anguish and out of a big curiosity. How the hell do you understand what I am feeling without seeing my emotions and sometimes even without emoticons and what if I haven't written the words above to describe it, would you have still been able to figure how am I feeling? If yes, then my friend you are suffering from a serious infectious problem called 'the Facebook empathy'!
You are not my friend because I haven't tagged you in my status, even if I have, then you are not my best friend because I have tagged other people as well and even If I haven't tagged other people but just you and still I haven't replied to your comment then I don't care about you. Is it???
Or wait, I liked a friend status but not your, that means I am not your friend but even if I liked it, toh kya hua? everyone liked it...so commenting on it might make a difference. Is it?
Or wait a second, here is one more, You came online but still you did not message me, that means you were busy with your "other important friends". 
If you are connecting with me then I am sorry to say you are the victim and sad because you just recognized it. If you are not understanding what I mean in the above three situation then there is no need to be confused, as I said this disease is infectious it will catch you soon and if you think what all I say is bakwaas then my friend you the unwanted empathizer. Caught you!
what do you think before putting status like..."I am feeling sad today", "I am not well".... what do you want? attention? Is Nobody listening to you? on facebook will you find your true friend, lover whatever who will make you happy? Or a doctor on facebook will operate you by chatting with you?

Very very important notice: All this what I wrote is not for a specific person please, I mean it. (giving warning because the person suffering FE will immediately identify that he/she is the person I am talking about and will immediately after reading it will message me on Facebook or will see when I was last seen on whatsapp and then will text me). 
So my dear empathizer please this is my request to you that don't understand me, without me explaining anything to you. If I dont message that does not mean I dont want to speak to you, If I dont tag you in my status that does not mean you dont matter to me. Please dont be so understanding. I know you got facebook as a platform to showing off your skills but remember no one will pay you for that.

P.S. Beware of Facebook Empathizers(FE)


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