Lets learn some ADBC...(Apple Don't Be Cheap)

I know most of my friends will hate me for writing this post, but still I feel its my responsibility to make them realize how genius, intelligent, smart and rich they are, but I don't mean to disturb those who don't use their mind and just buy apple iphone for its operating system and its features. This blog may save some of your money and is obviously free for all the above mentioned genius, intelligent and smart apple users not to forget rich. I know some of them might close this blog after reading the above line, as I mentioned its free so they might think its of no use or may be cheap.(Just don't tell them that Apple has been playing with their mind ;)

Who knows what Steve Jobs had in mind when he was doing his innovation, which led to the creation of a brand very popularly known as "Apple", would he have ever thought that people would actually use his product to set their social status. Apple is one product who will even enjoy its customer loyalty even when Indian households are going through economic crisis. I recently searched online on Apple's customers and take a look at what I got:
"However, when purchasing power parity is added into the mix, its an entirely different story. Compare the purchasing power of an average person with the country’s GDP and the iPhone turns out to cost 22.3 percent of per capita GDP..."-  
Three months back, Apple launched its cheapest Iphone "5C" costing Rs 39000. I know that's actually not cheap at all in Indian market or I say in any other market, well that's Apple, but 5C actually failed, even with Apple loyalists, why? (strange I still need to answer it) not because of just price, as we know Apple do not have problem at selling its product at high price in India, but it failed because since beginning Iphone 5C was always referred as a "cheap" product, as I also thought that the "C" stood for cheap. So obviously even after being an apple fan you would not prefer buying it, as even after buying it, others would think you bought a cheap phone which is actually not cheap at all. Therefore, no social status upliftment, therefore, no Apple. Thodhi si positioning mein galti hogai na Apple? Should have brought out before that C stands for colour.

Anyways the Royal new Champagne Iphone 5S is not behind, which was launched around the same time costing Rs 51000. Apple have a stupid yet at the same time intelligent techniques like bringing out the S version of every Iphone in 6 months that to with 1-2 minor changes in the features of the software. So the people who are still not have been able to buy Iphone 5 would now go for Iphone 5S at obviously higher price. And people would still go and buy the S version(bhai 1-2 naye features ke sath latest Apple Iphone woh bhi champagne colour mein) Jo six months mein old hojayega.
A month back I went with a friend to one of the Apple's Istore and my friend asked them, "are people buying this particular version of Macbook?", see what was his reply, "There are two kinds of customers who come to us and purchase our products, one who have been using Apple products since inception religiously, so they know in and out of our products so we don't need to explain anything to them, they just come take just two minutes to purchase and the second types of customers are those who come and ask us which is the latest Macbook or they just look here and there which one looks good, asks us about the features and then react as if they understood every feature we told them and still buy the product and move out of our shop as if they have just purchased a new purse." after hearing all this I was totally amused. If you to want to feel amused just ask any of your friend who you think belongs to the latter category, to just tell you, what else they do in their Iphone other than calling or messaging and just see the look on their face and you will find the most intelligent and smart person actually not able to speak anything to you.
Recently, I read a news that Apple is relaunching Iphone 4 at Rs.20,000 (that's what we call cheap) to increase their market share which is currently 2% in the fastest growing industry, where they have a niche market. Let see will Apple be able to increase its market share, well they have both the Price and brand this time but with old features. And I won't be shocked if people still go and buy Iphone 4 instead of other phones filled with latest feature at less price. Brand matters bhai, actually I should say Apple matters. As we know, If you don't have an IPhone, you just don't have an IPhone. I am sorry I still don't get it what they mean by this.

P.S. An Apple in every Six months keeps the bank near and a doctor closer.


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