Business your own mind

Ever wondered which is the most awesome power within your reach, which we mostly fall short of achieving…Still wondering? Well that means you possess that power, you just don’t know how to use it. It’s the human mind. The most complicated yet marvellous miracle working power machine, known, yet mysterious than the universe itself. We think we use our brain but it’s just the other way round. Thinking what I am saying? Well according to my experience and observation, whatever decisions we have taken so far in our life consciously, are taken by our sub-conscious mind. This is indeed ironical.
Let’s talk about your behaviour with the last person you met today. Do you behave in the same manner with every other person you meet? I don’t know about you but my behaviour changes with every person I meet. It may not change the way I speak or how I speak but it would change the content of my speech without changing any switch. Sometimes we would do things we hate, sometimes we ignore things we love. Sometimes we would drive 100 miles but would not remember a single thing which passed by. Sometimes we feel that we have already experienced the same situation before, so we call it Déjà vu, but what if this déjà vu thing had not happen, had you even thought your mind had the minutest detail of that particular instance happened before? And that is the other side which we are hardly able to access. . Even someone’s smile, anger, other expressions makes you remind of some other person, and at that time you would think how much detailed information a brain can keep.

The other day, I was watching this movie, Limitless, the movie shows that we actually use a small percentage of our brain and then how the lead character gets hold of a drug with which he is able to access all of it. I wish there was such a drug, but the point I am trying to make is that after watching the movie, I actually started to notice things, objects, behaviour I use to ignore, no I did not took the film too seriously but I just forced my brain to focus more, and it was happening. Some minds are smart so they create smarter softwares which are used to study you. Well, that’s what happens when human intelligence meets artificial intelligence, like Facebook, the social network knows what kind of a person you are, who are your near and dear ones, who is your girlfriend and who is your crush,  what you like, what you don’t like, what attracts you and literally everything related to you. I know you did not mention all those things in the about yourself section but you were being monitored through your activities on FB and accordingly you are provided with the content you would like to see on your social network. That is why even if you have 500 friends, u would not see all of them on your homepage, inspite of those people being active.
In my first year of MBA, my marketing teacher often asked us to churn our mind, whenever he use to throw a marketing situation at us, most of us would start thinking the traditional ways which came to our mind as those were the ways our conscious mind remembers, as a result, hardly anything new came out. Well for a minute let’s go back to that phrase, “CHURN your MIND”, I now understood what actually he meant. All the reasons, all the innovations are there in our mind, we just need to find them by churning, we know what works in the society, what exist in the society, at some point or the other we have witnessed it, we have sensed it, all we need to do is to figure a location of that thought in our mind. I just wish there was an app for this as well, oh shit, here I gave you an idea for an app….well you thinking is it possible to make such an app? Just churn your mind, it is very much possible. :-p

What does a psychiatrist do? He/she puts you into the stream of consciousness by bringing out the thoughts from your subconscious, getting to the cause/root of the problem and in the end you think that psychiatrist solved your problem, well he/she is smart enough to make money using your mind. But it’s fine, it’s actually our ignorance and lack of interest in the things we hardly know or we think we don’t know. Like, my marketing research professor asked us, who in our society, you think can figure out the human behaviour, like when will the person spend money and when that person won’t. Obviously we came out with every kind of answers, from a sales man to a market researcher to a brand manager, but the answer was, a beggar. Just think, it would be the last, actually not even the last person you would think of. A beggar knows when he should target you, would you give them money when you are alone or when you are with family, friends or with a girlfriend or a boyfriend. The probability is more that you would give them money when you are with friends or a girlfriend. Why? Well it’s our crazy human psyche. We want to show our self as a generous and a modest person to others. Also, today even your so called spontaneous shopping is caused by your subconscious response. Notice it, whenever you go for shopping most of the time you pick up things thinking you liked it there and then only but actually they were present in your hidden treasure(subconscious) all the time, you may have seen it, witnessed it somewhere before. Even if you chose to ignore a product it may not be because you didn't like it, it could be because of the factors, thoughts affecting your subconscious. These factors could be anything, from your income to your girlfriend's taste, from your spouse thoughts about the product to your relative's experience with the product. Our perception about a product is formed instantly when we see it.
Just open this hidden treasure, you may find something you have been searching for long.

 P.S. It’s often found in the last place we look may be that is why very few people are able to find it.


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