Revenge of the fallen!!

Note: I am not a chauvinist, I respect women and love them. Please don't judge me, and you don't even have to agree with me, you just need to accept it..:p (I am a student of English honours, just needed to clarify that, so that you don't blame my education for the difference I would be stating between men and women in the society, as every text in the course dealth with women empowerment and ya Rahul Gandhi did not do Eng(h)). Anyways don't question me, ask your friend, boyfriend, brother, father or any other male about the content of the blog.

There was a time when "women" were suppresed by men, beaten to death, tortured, killed and were treated brutally like animals. I know this is still not over yet, but here, I am not talking about rural area or even the middle age people living in the urban areas. I am specifically talking about the youth living in the metropolitan cities, where men and women both go to office, both party all night, have an independent life, respect each other's space and actually at some level there is equality in the society. And, we must not forget the fact that this has become possible due to years of fights and sacrifices majorly done by women and in some small proportion by men.
Sounds so comforting and simple doesn't it? Well let me enlighten you men, deeds done by your ancestors will haunt you forever and ever. They tortured women, and have left you behind on earth to pay for what they did.
Wondering what bullshit am I talking? well lets start by taking a look at day-to-day stuff in life, go to a club alone, will you get an entry without a female companion? No. If a female goes to a club alone, will she get an entry? yes, I know this is indeed a rhetorical question, who knows she even get a free drink inside. Or lets take one more example, For a job both male and female apply, irrespective of the nature of the job, what is the probability that a man will get a job, or lets say after job a promotion? Or lets say you want to go somewhere and you don't have a transport, but what if you were a girl and you wanted to go somewhere, ya you wouldn't be thinking how to go, you would be thinking with whom to go...Well for these things you can't actually blame women, it is all because of the default settings in the male hormones. But what is actually changing is the idea of life for a man and a woman. I ask all the committed men, who would you put before, your career or the person you love? what is your priority? and now I ask all the committed females the same question.
Well Il tell you what could be the answer by my experience(and I am not talking about the whole male gender I am just talking about a proportion of male society as well as female). A man would never think of his career without his love. He would always put her first and then the rest of the world. Whereas, a woman has her priority set. She knows what her goal is, she loves you but she loves her dream more, she would be even more "practical" than you are. And yes, you can't blame her for her thinking, actually you don't have the right, and actually she is also not wrong. Men have become more sensitive and women cold. But would this be the answer of your mom and dad 20 years back? Things would actually be just the opposite, but now, a woman can tell a man what to do and what not to do, but I am sorry man, you can't. Want to enter an argument? Well here are quick few tips, after reading this you may decide what you want to do,
  • No matter how good things you say about her, the only thing which goes against her will be considered
  • She would not ever forget a single letter came from your mouth even if you remember it or not and neither you have any right to forget anything
  • You will speak when she wants, you will stay shut until she wants
  • She has the right to justify herself, and you don't deserve it to
  • No matter whose fault it is, it is you who has to apologise
  • Even if you have decided what you are going to say and think that will make a difference, forget it. She has already decided what she wants. Ya, I know you want to be a part of that decision, thats why you need to say I agree with you.
So man, you still want to argue with her? Just say sorry. But what happened, come on, you are the MAN, you can't be let down by a woman. Well no matter how macho you are, when it comes to a woman, your machoness is only a word, we all know what actually happens. I know all men and all women are not the same, exceptions are always there. I am just saying that you can't suppress her, you can't treat her badly, I know you don't even want to but you can't even treat her equally because she is above you. You don't have a right to tell her what she could do or what she could not. It is time of the womanhood to come to power to take revenge of the suffering she had to deal with, the roles have reversed, and the table has turned. What? Man do you still need to show your cards? Well let me wake you up, you were not even in the game.

P.S. R.I.P. so called MANhood


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