My way or the highway!

This is the first time I am going to write about a movie I watched. I thought of writing it before but did not had the time and I also thought that may be later I would be able to connect with it in a better way. There was something intense, something more than a simple story to the movie, 'Highway'. A journey without a destination, a soul without body, a feeling without temptation.
What I love about Imtiaz alis' movies, except our common love for mountains, is that how his movies take you on a ride from one place to another and its never the compulsion to move the story but the need of the characters to deal with the situation which moves the story.
In real life that is what happens, there is no such destination which we think off. There is an illusion of accomplishment. We never come to know that what we always want to achieve, in a way we have already achieved that, probably not in the sense we thought but in the way it actually is. Highway told the story of two people who lost their childhood, which resulted in the kind of human being they became later in their life. Life is not about right or wrong, good or bad, life is about deciding what to do and what not to. People will always let you down, will try to show their superiority over you but its up to you to decide whether to believe those people or whether to create your own path like in the end Alia Bhatt's character does. I know this blog is not wholly about the movie but after watching the movie I started to think over other things in life as well. From the movie I also loved the way they destroyed the notion of spending a holiday at a place inside the hotel, and they were right, it just doesn't make sense.
We become so protective in our home environment that we don't come to know what life actually is, you live alone, you'l learn to survive when you are alone. I am here away from my family. Am I sad? No I am not. I miss home but I am proud that here I can take my own decisions, blame my self for the mistakes il make, feel proud about what I do and what I don't. Its not like I wasn't happy at home, I was more than happy, I got everything I wanted, I did not had to struggle for anything. But is life actually like that? No, right.
I went to the beach and kept looking at the sea, for 30 hour..two hours and I just didn't want to stop, may be because when I look at it, there is no limit, there is no stoppage to the view, the sea does not have walls, does not have boundaries and that should be life, without boundaries, life should be like mountains, one peak after the other and even if there is a downfall, make it look like a beautiful valley. Sometimes life doesn't have an answer and its not necessary also to have a solution or a conclusion to every problem and that is the time when instead of finding an answer you need to forget the question as you will have some answer to it later.
You will make new friends, you will lose old friends, people will come, people will leave you. But the only thing stays is you and just you. Once you understand what 'you" are, 'you' will not be affected or let down by anything in this world. It will just show the limitless sea and peaks of the mountains.

P.S. live a life like you don't feel the need to be kidnapped like in the movie:)


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