
Showing posts from January, 2014

Lets learn some ADBC...(Apple Don't Be Cheap)

I know most of my friends will hate me for writing this post, but still I feel its my responsibility to make them realize how genius, intelligent, smart and rich they are, but I don't mean to disturb those who don't use their mind and just buy apple iphone for its operating system and its features. This blog may save some of your money and is obviously free for all the above mentioned genius, intelligent and smart apple users not to forget rich. I know some of them might close this blog after reading the above line, as I mentioned its free so they might think its of no use or may be cheap.(Just don't tell them that Apple has been playing with their mind ;) Who knows what Steve Jobs had in mind when he was doing his innovation, which led to the creation of a brand very popularly known as "Apple", would he have ever thought that people would actually use his product to set their social status. Apple is one product who will even enjoy its customer loyalty eve

Five star Dhaba!

It will surely amuse me and at the same time will irritate me, when people will go to the Dhaba by CLARIDGES, because of their insensibility. Few days backs when I was about to walk into Dlf place saket, I saw a board (above in the picture) and I got so anxious to go to the second floor just to checkout its prices because I wanted to prove myself right, which I did. I know that's crazy but more crazier are those people who will be going to this so called Dhaba and with joy will tell their friends, family whatever, that they just had a lunch at a Dhaba, just because it sounds "cool".  Now lets get a reality check, you went to a dhaba, which was actually not a dhaba but a five star restaurant named dhaba. Now what is a dhaba? (the way it actually is and will be) A dhaba is indeed a restaurant but more in a village sense, found on highways, open air with few tin sheds, no guarantee of hygiene, only guarantee of good food and taste(the only reason people go there) wh

What the FE (facebook empathy)?

This blog is completely coming out of frustration, irritation, anguish and out of a big curiosity. How the hell do you understand what I am feeling without seeing my emotions and sometimes even without emoticons and what if I haven't written the words above to describe it, would you have still been able to figure how am I feeling? If yes, then my friend you are suffering from a serious infectious problem called 'the Facebook empathy'! You are not my friend because I haven't tagged you in my status, even if I have, then you are not my best friend because I have tagged other people as well and even If I haven't tagged other people but just you and still I haven't replied to your comment then I don't care about you. Is it??? Or wait, I liked a friend status but not your, that means I am not your friend but even if I liked it, toh kya hua? everyone liked commenting on it might make a difference. Is it? Or wait a second, here is one more, You came