
Showing posts from February, 2014


Always thought you need to behave as per your age? Well the line you are just going to read, you might find it crazy but that's what happened. I had a dream this evening about me, walking around the streets all night and observing people of different ages, how they behave, how they react and the few teachings they gave me. This blog is only a part of that dream. Now just go back to the question I asked you, lets reframe it, do you always like to behave as per your age? or do you like behaving the way society thinks you should behave? who decides at what age what should you behave like? Why are you so amazed when a child replies back with a genius answer which you never thought a child of that age would ? Why do you get irritated when a adult behaves like a child? It all happens just because all these just do not fall into our preconceive notions about human nature.  The more we get sophisticated the older we get, agree? Just look at your grand parents, old aunt or uncles you

AAP ko chahiye MODIfication on Rahul Gandhi...

From the title you would have understood what the blog is about, but you must be wondering why did I choose this title. Well the answer is, my key focus is on three things: Women empowerment Bringing youth into politics means opening up the system and making India the biggest manufacturing country. You still didn't get what I mean? Well I think then you should not ask me superficial questions. Oh, you did not ask any question? then I guess we should only focus on the fundamentals. I know you must be wondering what the hell am I writing. Well the same was my reaction when I saw Rahul Gandhi's interview. In ten long years Rahul Gandhi gives his first interview, that to a journalist like Arnab Goswami (sorry Rahul bad luck) who would not listen to your rubbish unless and until he gets his answer. We know Mr. Gandhi you came fully prepared with your speech but well that's the harsh reality, life does not always go the way you want it to. I also give exams a